Before visiting our facilities, please take the time to view our water safety induction video. Check out the video here. Working with Life Saving Victoria and the Swimsafe program, staff at Brimbank Leisure Centres have found a way to engage the culturally and linguistically diverse community in relation to water safety. Finding ways to reduce risk and create improvements has been a main focus for Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Centre and by utilising the Swimsafe program, risk flow charts, skilled staff, communication cards and education we are continuing to reduce the gap that currently exists.
Fatal and non-fatal drowning in public aquatic facilities is a significant issue faced by the Victorian aquatic industry. The SwimSafe campaign was designed to enable pool operators to increase communications with patrons who may have certain vulnerabilities when participating in aquatic activities. It is intended that the campaign will encourage vulnerable patrons to inform a staff member of their vulnerabilities before entering the water at a public pool, who can then be provided with information on how to use the facility safely. This information is presented as five key tips to keep safe: